The Damn Flea

There are cursed, fighting fleas, fleas that won’t leave you alone. Be very careful with those fleas! Because sometimes they get between your sheets and the next day the bed appears wet. Felipe faces one of them in this story, but he is not going to sit idly by. Felipe is going to fight.


Pedro and his grandfather, and a kite.A yellow kite like a sun.There are two suns in the sky when it goes up.One is from Pedro: the one that flutters and dives in the air with its goldfish tail.A story that tells us about loss and memory. (Back cover text)

The smallest princess

In King Bartolo’s domain there is a lot of everything: trees, rivers, fish, pumpkins, clouds. A true exaggeration of people and words! Elegant, important, wise, funny, mean, cordial, sporty words. One for every need. But in this kingdom where everyone is so busy and talks a lot, the smallest princess doesn’t even have a name… … Read more

A knot in the throat (first edition)

The teacher doesn’t like what Ana draws. Why? Ana comes home from school with a lump in her throat. Her family doesn’t know how to cure her, but Dr. Milenka does. She is a specialist in untying knots without pulling. Other etitions

Groppopol and his skeleton

Groppopol always wanted to have a pet. His friends have theirs and everything seems very simple: a slug, a tick, a spider… But her mom always told her the same thing: No! Gropoppol was sad. Why did his mom have to be like this? Luckily one day his grandfather came up with a wonderful idea.

Borug, a common and ordinary monster

Borug is a little monster who manages, with his understanding and his simplicity, to win the heart of a monster who has a gray eye that cries and cries. This book was included in the bilingual anthology of children’s literature presented in the argentine stand at the Frankfurt book fair, Germany, 2010.

The Groppopol monster

Groppopol is a small green monster with big red eyes. Every night when he goes to sleep he has sweet dreams. Something truly unforgivable for a real monster. Every morning he wakes up crying. What to do with such a secret?

Ay!- says Filiberto

Filiberto is afraid of everything. Of loose tiles, of windy days, of days without wind… One day a circus arrives and Filiberto offers himself as the magician’s assistant. The trick is to put Filiberto inside a box and make him disappear. Filiberto disappears and appears, but something has changed. Is Filiberto, Filiberto?